As Goldilocks would say: "just right"
Here are the 24h precipitation amounts ending 9 AM Sunday, showing all locations where at least .1 inches fell. Good coverage, with substantial rain getting into eastern WA and particularly the fire-prone northeast Cascades and Okanogan areas. Good precipitation in the central Cascades to top off water resources for the large population areas. Light precipitation in eastern WA to help agriculture.
A map of the precipitation over the region from the NOAA/NWS Portland River Forecast Center is shown below. Great coverage over historical fire areas. The yellow regions, where more than 1 inch fell, are associated with a Puget Sound Convergence Zone that formed yesterday afternoon.
Lightning? As show by the Saturday lightning map. there was plenty of lightning over western WA, but very little over the eastern slopes of the Cascades and northeast WA. Just right. And a few funnel clouds were observed with a few of the stronger thunderstorms cells, but no damage.
Finally, one of the great gifts of our springtime rains are the marvelous rainbows that are sometimes visible. Here is a picture sent to me of Peter Benda of Bellevue of one of the most spectacular rainbows ever seen in our region. Magnificent, and he tells me the pictures are nothing compared to reality. (Notice this is a double rainbow!)
Today, will be dry and I am headed out for a nice Father's Day hike.
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